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Pig Tail Food Flippers
Pig Tail Food Flippers
Our Price: $39.95
Sale Price: $34.00

Availability:: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
Product Code: 0711001

Our favorite grilling tool and the only tool you need for your next barbecue! The sharp spiral snare at the end of Pigtail’s tapered stainless steel shaft is cleverly designed to lightly pierce the edge of virtually any solid food. A quick flip of the wrist and the food is turned over. Pigtail can handle almost anything from an 8 lb. rack of ribs to hot dogs, steaks, chicken, bacon, French toast, shrimp, vegetables - you name it! The 19" Pigtail is great for tailgating, but it is equally as versatile in the kitchen. The 12" Pigtail is a wizard at stove top sautéing, griddle work and even in a wok! This set of two Pigtails comes in a great looking, solid wood gift box with brass fittings.

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